Resource: Godspeed Video

A couple of months ago I was encouraged to watch a short video entitled Godspeed. It is a lively, engaging reflection on “the pace of being known” in the context of life and ministry.   A favorite character is Alan Torrence, a monster of a man with long red hair. Others such as N. T. Wright and Eugene Peterson are interviewed throughout.
The message of this video invites me to take a long pause and consider how I go about the shepherding work God has given me to be about. I trust you will pause and reflect upon this as well.
Grab a cuppa, sit back, and enjoy!

Watch Godspeed

“Godspeed was shot in three days, in three villages, by three friends. What began as a five minute video ended as a half-hour portrait of the people and places who had taught Matt to repent & rest.”

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11 Responses to Resource: Godspeed Video

  1. Love this video. Saw it recently with Matt Canlis there to talk about it. We lived in Scotland for a few years in the ’90s, and the lessons of the video resonate deeply in accord with what we came away with from our years there.


  2. Thank you so much for sharing the link to the film Godspeed! God has been speaking to my heart for a number of months about a slower pace, about listening and hearing, about extended time for quietness and solitude. Matt’s story is inspiring and challenging and I can’t wait to share it with others… when the time it right!


  3. Jason Ingle says:

    Now I want to move to Scotland!

    Thanks for sharing this Scott! I’ve been chewing on many of these themes, and even preached yesterday about the need to slow down and pay attention to what God is doing around us. This film reinforced what I’ve been hearing from Him as a big growth area in my own life.

    Thanks for shepherding the shepherds!


  4. Linda Kirkeeide says:

    That was Awesome! Thank You! >


  5. Ron Wiley says:

    Scott, Thanks for this! It brought back wonderful memories of a 3-month sabbatical we had in the UK some years ago, where everyday we spent walking 10 or more miles on the footpaths, praying, meditating, listening. But that was focused more on our interior lives vs. the focus on others and himself of Matt’s journey. I’d be interested on your reflections as this relates to shepherding others scattered around the globe, accessible only at jet speeds or through high speed internet connections. Maybe in a future blog post? Thanks again!


    • Scott S says:

      Ron – so good to hear from you. We need to connect sometime, I’d love to catch up with you. Thanks for the idea on the topic. I will give it some reflection. Peace S


  6. Pingback: Traveling Wise in a Fast World | Tending Scattered Wool

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